Liturgical Opportunities

Altar Servers – Liturgical ministers, who have received the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, and are at least 10 years old. Altar Servers serve the Celebrant as he presides over the Mass, they
serve the parish family by assisting in the Mass, and they serve God through worship and prayer.

Lectors – parishioners who proclaim the Word of God in the first two scripture readings at the Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers – EM’s are practicing Catholics who have been Confirmed and are in good standing with the Church. EM’s may also minister to the needs of home-bound parishioners.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical training and preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. Inquire with the pastor, or one of the Deacons, if interested.

Ushers welcome parishioners and help them find seating and guide the procession to Eucharist. They facilitate collecting the stewardship offering and securing it. In addition, after Mass, they hand bulletins to parishioners as they leave the church.

Greeters welcome all to our masses each weekend. Greeters of all ages are welcome to participate in this Ministry. 

Cross Bearers lead the liturgical procession at the beginning and the end of the Mass, carrying the Processional Cross. This ministry is open to all ages.

If you are interested in joining one or more of these ministries during Mass, please contact Deacon Larry Matheny